Please be aware that the safest place for us all is at home.Stay safe everyone
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EHT Letter to Parents 19.03.20 - Key Worker Initial Request Form

Dear Parents,

This has been a very challenging week in school to say the least with the regards the ongoing Coronavirus situation. During my time in education, I cannot ever remember a situation like this as a child and as an adult. At the moment, we have managed to remain open despite significant staffing absences but we have pulled together as a team and got this far.

We are in unprecedented and challenging times. In response to the latest Government call for schools to help support our KeyWorkers in the coming weeks which could put a greater strain on all emergency services, especially the NHS risking the lives of many.

This is an initial expression of interest so that we can ascertain the approximate numbers of children who will be attending next week, and therefore allocate the required staffing provisions.

We are still waiting on a definitive list of key workers from the DFE, however If you believe you come under this category, please complete the following information and send it to  as soon as possible in order to help us plan for next week.

Thank you for your understanding. Stay safe and well.

Kind Regards,

Mrs K Melling

Executive Headteacher

Name: (Parent/Carer):




Are both parents/guardians’ key workers or are you a single parent who is a key worker?

In the event that 2 parents are key workers please complete the boxes below with both sets of details.


Place of work/Occupation:





Line Manager Name& Contact Number

& email




Days of work.

Please state the days you work

This service would only be for the days

when you are working.


Name of Child(ren)/Year Group:




Do they have any additional Needs?

Please provide details




Will they require a school dinner? £2.20




Are they eligible for a free school meal?





GDPR - are you happy for

information to be shared between 3rd party

e.g. NHS, CSC, Police, DfE, place of work.



Contact Mobile:



Contact E Mail:



