Please be aware that the safest place for us all is at home.Stay safe everyone
Home Page


Home Learning

Click the link below for instant access to our Year 1 home learning. 


Information regarding school closures. 


We will be updating this page by the end of Friday with information and activities that you can complete whilst you are at home. 


We are sorry that we won't be seeing you for a few weeks but we look forward to seeing you all again when we are back open.


Keep smiling!

September 2019


Welcome to Hawthorn's Class Page. We have lots of exciting things planned for this year and look forward to showing you all of the wonderful work that we have been doing. Please keep checking this page for regular updates. If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask.


Polite Reminder

  • Could you please ensure that your child has their name clearly written inside their cardigan or jumper, as well as their book bags/PE bags, and that they take the right one home with them.
  • Reading books will start to go home shortly, please read with your child at least four times a week.
  • Plain water is allowed throughout the day if your child wishes to bring a drink with them. Juice or flavoured waters are allowed with their packed lunch.


Thank you for all of your support so far,


Miss Maguire smiley



