Please be aware that the safest place for us all is at home.Stay safe everyone
Home Page

Year 2

Home Learning Heroes!!! Don't forget to send us your photos so we can add them to our gallery!

Hello and welcome to the Year 2 Home Learning Zone!


Every week we will pop a weekly Powerpoint and supportive material for Maths, English and Topic into the folders below for you to use to support your child's learning.


If you can't print anything off don't worry just simply talk about the answers, draw your own for your child to use or just get them to write answers on a piece of paper!


Please give your child positive feedback on their work and talk about any misconceptions. You can always send us a few photographs via Seesaw! We love to see them!


The work is there for you if you want to use it. It would be great if you could manage it but please don't put yourselves under any pressure as everyone's situation is different. We want you to stay safe and happy!


Any questions please don't hesitate to email your child's teacher or message through Seesaw.


You're doing an amazing job!! Well done smiley



