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Oxford Owl

Please listen to your child read a book - appropriate to their current phonic knowledge - at least three times a week. On OxfordOwl, you can find a free eLibrary with a variety of books appropriate for ages 5-6, across phonics phases 2, 3 and 4. These are categorised into the different coloured bands. We have selected 2 books from each book band for you to read, either fiction or non-fiction; please follow the link above with the correct week date. If your child needs a challenge you are more than welcome to read a book from blue band. 


Please follow the link below and click "My Class Login" (it's a pink button at the top of the page) and use the following login information to access a wide variety of free eBooks:


Cedar username: leahycedar 

Cedar password: leahycedar


Hawthorne username: maguirehawthorn

Hawthorne password: maguirehawthorn


Oak username:kirkpatrickoak

Oak username:kirkpatrickoak
