Our Vision
Within God’s love for everyone,
Our school family is committed to serve by:
- - celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;
- - giving the best of ourselves for all the world;
- - doing all the good we can together.
Love, Serve, Celebrate Together
For more detailed information on the school’s vision statement please follow
Key Info>School Ethos & Values
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum intends to:
- Provide a rich tapestry of broad learning experiences that give our pupils the cultural capital to embrace and enjoy life to the full.
- Provide a language and knowledge-rich curriculum so that children can use, understand and articulate their knowledge with precision and accuracy
- Provide an inclusive curriculum that encourages aspiration so all children have the opportunity to achieve their potential.
- Develop the desired skills and characteristics to bring out the linguist, the artist, the scientist, the mathematician, the engineer and the humanitarian in our children so that they are prepared to serve our wider world.
- Encourage our children to be fit, healthy and well so they can live embracing life’s opportunities as fully as they can.
- Encourage compassion and global responsibility for the world around us and all who live in it.
Curriculum Rationale
In consultation with staff, governors, parents and pupils, we have considered the needs and the aspirations we have for our children. We have conducted a curriculum needs analysis based on a number of variables and adapted each curriculum area to take account of those needs. Over the course of the next two years, subjects leaders, governors and teachers will continue to review the curriculum to ensure it remains relevant and effective in achieving our curriculum intentions.
Our children learn best when:
- Teaching is in shorter topics and revisited regularly;
- They are encouraged to be brave and helped to understand that making mistakes is an important part of learning;
- Teaching is interactive and allows them to be active, taking part and discussing their learning;
- They are given a challenge to respond to and investigate;
- They have opportunities to learn outside the classroom, which sometimes means out of school!
- Their needs are understood and appropriate support and approaches are in place when and where necessary to help them thrive;
- They are compassionate and encouraged to be mindful that not all of us learn and respond in the same way;
- There is a supportive adult that they know they can turn to (This is usually the class teacher but we have some absolutely brilliant teaching assistants who offer great nurture support too).